Materials Quantity
Sugar 1½ cups
Grapes 60
1. Heat a pan. Add three fourth cup water and sugar and cook on high heat, stirring till all the sugar dissolves.
2. Lower the heat and continue to cook till the syrup reaches three string consistency. To check put a few drops of the syrup into a small bowl of water, if the syrup forms a semi hard ball, the syrup is ready.
3. Meanwhile skewer the grapes onto satay sticks and keep them in the freezer till required.
4. Take the grapes out of the freezer once the syrup is ready and dip the satay sticks, one by one, in the syrup so that all the grapes get covered with the syrup.
5. Arrange the satay sticks on a plate and let the syrup harden around the grapes.
6. Serve.
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